What to do with slow-germinating seeds: here's what to pour the material overnight to speed up the emergence of seedlings

10.02.2023 11:18

Often the seed material has poor germination.

In such a situation, the gardener should not give up under any circumstances. The fact is that it is quite possible to “help” the sprouts to break through.

And for this you don’t need to use any expensive or hard-to-find means.

In addition, there will be no need for complex procedures.

What liquid should be poured over the seeds?

The most ordinary water - without any additives - will help to save the material from poor germination.

Photo: © Belnovosti

However, cold liquid will not work: it must be warm.

You need to place the slow-germinating seeds in a deep container and fill them with prepared water.

The procedure should last several hours, so it is best to start it in the evening. Then the seed will lie in the warm liquid all night.

Being in water will help soften the seed coat, even if it was initially very hard.

The result should be fairly rapid germination: shoots will appear without any problems.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief