How to Grow Seedlings in Plastic Bottles: An Original Method Without Watering

08.02.2023 09:42

Plastic bottles are quite often used by gardeners as containers for growing seedlings.

And this is quite understandable: the container is easy to get, and you don’t need to buy it specially (you can use containers left over from drinking).

In addition, the plastic bottle can easily be converted into a convenient “cup”.

And if you also experiment with the shape of the container prepared for the seedlings, then the sprouts and soil will not even need to be watered.

What to do with the bottle

It is quite possible to make a “mechanism” from plastic containers that provides self-watering.

Photo: Pixabay

It's very simple. First, you need to cut the bottle crosswise. You should get two parts: one with the bottom, the second with the neck.

In the removed cork, you need to make a hole through which you should push a ten-centimeter woolen thread with a knot at one end.

It is necessary to ensure that a well-fixed thread sticks out from the cork returned to the bottle.

The plastic “funnel” with the screw cap on needs to be turned upside down, filled with soil and installed in the second part of the bottle, into which water was previously poured.

The result will be a container that provides a constant flow of water into the soil. Thus, moisture will get onto the wool thread and then soak the soil. In this case, the seedlings do not need regular watering.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

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