5 Poisonous Houseplants That Don't Belong in Your Home

07.02.2023 14:47

Many novice gardeners choose their “green pet” based only on external characteristics.

This approach is fundamentally wrong, says Anastasia Kovrizhnykh , an expert of the online publication Belnovosti, an agronomist, and a landscape designer.

In addition to the lushness of the bloom and the pleasant aroma, you should at least inquire whether it is safe to grow a particular flower.

So, you shouldn’t get carried away with plants of the euphorbiaceae family – the milky juice they contain can cause burns and poisoning, and if it gets into the eyes, blindness.

Those who are tempted by the beauty of the blooming oleander should be careful with its juice. The liquid contains a number of cardiac glycosides, which can cause serious poisoning.

Photo: Pixabay

Next on the list is the incredibly attractive adenium, all parts of which are poisonous, including the sap. This flower is definitely off-limits if you suffer from asthma.

Exactly the same can be said about hippeastrum, as well as all plants of the Amaryllis family.

Let's finish our list with the seemingly harmless ivy. It contains poison everywhere - from the leaves to the fruits. However, you should be especially wary of the juice, which can lead to burns and poisoning.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Internet resource editor