How and when to treat the garden in early spring from pests and diseases: not only copper sulfate

03.02.2023 09:00
Updated: 13.04.2023 20:10

Spring garden treatment does not begin strictly on March 1. It is necessary to have time before the pests wake up and do their intended purpose - causing harm.

We must not forget about fungi and other diseases, which also become active during this period. Therefore, there is no point in waiting for the calendar spring.

Experienced gardeners begin preventive treatment already at the end of February, if there are no more frosts during the day. At this time, the trees and pests are still asleep.

The treatment begins with cleaning the area under the trees, removing mummified fruits, plant remains, and fallen leaves. At the same time, the whitewash on the trunks is renewed. Then you can begin prevention.

Copper sulfate

The first treatment is carried out during the period of bud swelling. At this time, the air temperature during the day should be about 5 degrees Celsius. With its help, you can fight scab, moniliosis, coccomycosis. Berry bushes and young trees are treated with a 2% solution, and adult trees with a 3% solution.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Bordeaux mixture

It contains copper sulfate and slaked lime. It is used to treat fruit trees and berry bushes in the form of a 3% solution.

Urea (carbamide)

This is both a nitrogen fertilizer and a means of combating diseases and pests. It is carried out 2 weeks after treatment with copper-containing preparations. For trees and shrubs, a 5% solution is used (500 g per 10 l of water).

You can mix copper sulfate with urea (200 g of copper sulfate and 500 g of urea per 10 liters of water).


Industrial preparations such as "Profilaktin Bio" are used against wintering insects - scale insects and false scale insects, mites, leafhoppers, leaf rollers, aphids and moths. Blossoming buds before the beginning of budding are treated with "Aktara", "Alatar", "Inta-Vir", "Karbocin", "Fufanon-Nova" and other analogues.

If it rains after the treatment, you can repeat the procedure and protect the trees from diseases with the preparations "Skor", "Horus" or similar.

You can mix Fufanon-Nova and Skor, Aktara and Horus. To do this, each composition is diluted in separate containers and then mixed before use.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Copper sulfate
  2. Bordeaux mixture
  3. Urea (carbamide)
  4. Insecticides