Far from omnipotent: the value of mycorrhiza for seedlings has been overstated

01.02.2023 20:30
Updated: 13.04.2023 19:33

There are no great tricks in gardening: the stronger the roots of the seedlings, the faster they will take root in a new place.

But the resourceful minds of gardeners try to complicate this formula. Knowing this simple secret, they use various growth stimulants.


Mycorrhiza is a symbiosis of the roots of higher plants and the mycelium of fungi. A mutually beneficial exchange occurs between the participants in the relationship.

Mushrooms receive amino acids, hormones, and simple carbohydrates from their roots. In return, plants receive water, phosphorus, and a number of other macro- and microelements.

The plant benefits more from symbiosis than the mycorrhiza. The value of such a relationship is much higher if the soil is poor in nutrients.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Mycorrhiza is formed by both higher and lower fungi. Honey mushrooms, dung mushrooms, champignons, oyster mushrooms and parasols are not capable of this activity.

Mycorrhiza can be prepared at home, but it is a troublesome process that requires certain knowledge and skill. Therefore, gardeners are offered ready-made mycorrhiza in garden stores.

Garden bloggers and summer residents talk a lot about it. It is believed that it is especially useful for seedlings. Thanks to mycorrhiza, seedlings have stronger roots and the harvest is 2-3 times larger.

Important nuances

An expert of the online publication Belnovosti , agronomist and author of the blog Conscious Gardening Anastasia Kovrizhnykh explained that with mycorrhiza, not everything is so simple.

The specialist noted that there is no universal mycorrhiza. It turns out that its composition in blueberries differs from raspberries or currants.

Truly valuable mycorrhiza is formed naturally when the soil has all the necessary conditions: moisture, warmth, organic matter.

The agronomist advises to work more with the soil, to increase its fertility in natural ways. In this case, you will not have to buy or prepare mycorrhiza yourself.

To do this, it is enough to simply add coarse organic matter (straw, wood waste, etc.) to the soil. In addition, it is necessary to maintain an optimal level of humidity (drip irrigation) and temperature (raised beds).

Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor

  1. Mycorrhiza
  2. Important nuances