Why do cherry and sweet cherry ovaries dry up and fall off: how to save the harvest

26.01.2023 12:48
Updated: 13.04.2023 16:16

Sometimes the falling of fruits from trees is a natural process when the tree gets rid of all unnecessary things.

In this case, there is nothing to be afraid of. But if there are not many fruits, then there is something to think about. We will tell you where to look for the problem and how to save the berry harvest.

So, if there are few berries, the flowering was not abundant, the harvest time has not yet come, and the berries still fall off, there may be three reasons.

Reason #1.

Stone fruits also have plenty of pests. These can be cherry fly and weevil. The fly larva feeds on the pulp, and the weevil damages everything - from leaves to emerging berries. Do not waste time on trifles, but rather hit the pests with insecticides right away. These can be Karbotsin, Kinmiks, Fufanon-Nova.

The first treatment is carried out at the beginning of the summer of insects. The second treatment is carried out after 10-15 days.

Photo: © Belnovosti

From folk remedies, a remedy based on chamomile is available for this purpose (100 g of chamomile or fragrant chamomile, half a bar of laundry soap, a bucket of hot water). The ingredients are mixed and the mixture is infused for a day.

Reason #2.

This could be a disease called coccomycosis (red-brown spots) and moniliosis (fruit rot).

In the first case, spots appear on the front side of the leaves. Then the foliage turns yellow, the berries become watery and fall off. In the second case, the leaves and shoots begin to wither, and the fruits rot.

Coccomycosis is treated with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture or copper oxychloride (30 g per 10 l of water). It is used after flowering and harvesting. Fungicides used include Abiga-Peak, HOM, etc.

Reason #3.

It is possible that the cherry simply lacks nutrients. Follow the feeding schedule. 10 days after flowering ends, spray with a urea solution (1 tbsp. per 10 l of water). The second treatment is carried out with the same preparation after 10-15 days.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Reason #1.
  2. Reason #2.
  3. Reason #3.