What vegetables exactly start to be sown for seedlings in February and how to do it correctly

26.01.2023 05:30
Updated: 13.04.2023 16:00

Some vegetable crops should be sown for seedlings in February. We suggest you familiarize yourself with which vegetables begin to grow during this period.

Bell pepper

To get early production of bell peppers, sow them in February. And two weeks later, sow the seeds of mid-season peppers.

Sow them in disposable cups or cassettes, and then transplant the young plants into a larger container.

To ensure that the seedlings grow healthy and do not stretch out, provide them with additional 15 hours of lighting.

When the seedlings have their first leaves, reduce it to 11 hours a day. To make the pepper bush thick and branchy, pinch it off.

Seedlings, plants
Photo: © Belnovosti

To do this, pinch off the top above 7-8 leaves.


Sow root celery early, as its seedlings grow very slowly. Soak its seeds first and sow them in peat tablets.

When seedlings appear, provide additional lighting for the plants. Plant 70-day-old celery seedlings in the area at the stage of 5 leaves on the stem.


Start sowing eggplant seedlings in mid-February and continue until mid-March.

This crop does not tolerate transplantation very well, so sow eggplant seeds directly into separate cups. As soon as the seedlings grow a little, transplant them into a larger container.


Sow tomatoes for planting in a greenhouse at the end of February. Sow their seeds in wooden boxes, peat cups or tablets.
As soon as the seedlings grow 2 leaves, transplant them into a larger container. Tomato seedlings need constant lighting for 3 days, and in the following days, 15 hours of lighting will be enough.


At the end of February, you can sow onions for seedlings, which need two months to develop.

Sow onions in disposable plastic boxes at a distance of 1.5 cm in a row and at least 3 cm between rows.

First, pour warm water with a temperature of 40 degrees over the onion seeds. Change the water at least 3-4 times a day, gradually reducing it so that it becomes room temperature.

Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor

  1. Bell pepper
  2. Celery
  3. Eggplants
  4. Tomatoes
  5. Onion