Summer residents have revealed the main secret of growing cucumbers on the windowsill: 3 bushes are enough

17.01.2023 07:55
Updated: 13.04.2023 12:01

In recent years, more and more gardeners are interested in the topic of planting vegetables on the windowsill, but not for the purpose of growing seedlings.

Modern technology allows you to grow strong seedlings and even start harvesting without leaving your home. What is the main secret of growing cucumbers?

In apartment conditions, this crop is not as exposed to danger as in a greenhouse or open ground.

At the very least, temperature changes and pests are not scary, and diseases should always be remembered. But this is not the main thing - here is the secret of a rich harvest of cucumbers on the windowsill.

Selecting seeds

Considering that natural pollination is out of the question, you will have to opt for hybrids. Breeders have developed several samples for growing not only in a greenhouse, but even at home.

Photo: © Belnovosti

One of such representatives is the hybrid "Tryukach". To collect a decent harvest of vegetables, 3 bushes will be enough, but it is better to plant them with a reserve, in case some seeds do not sprout.


It is necessary to disinfect the garden soil. This can be done by freezing, calcining and watering with a solution of potassium permanganate (pink).


The depth at which the seeds are placed in the soil should not be more than 5 mm. Maintaining a temperature of 25-27 degrees in the room, the first shoots can be detected in 2-3 days. After this, the temperature should be maintained at around 22-23 degrees.


After the emergence of shoots, additional lighting is required for 10 days. Moreover, many claim that during the day. Subsequently, up to 14 hours of illumination are allocated during the day.

As for fertilizing, in such conditions it is possible to carry out root or foliar fertilizing, and many gardeners call the latter type of fertilizing preferable in apartment conditions.

By observing all these conditions, you can expect that cucumbers will begin to bear fruit as early as the beginning of March if they are planted in early January.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Selecting seeds
  2. Priming
  3. Sowing
  4. Backlight