Does Metal Make Tomatoes Ripen Faster? A Popular Trick That Has a Catch

16.01.2023 19:43

Experienced gardeners shared their observations about how metal affects the ripening of tomatoes, and whether it is worth using this trick.

In their opinion, there is a more rational way to get a tomato harvest on time.

There are many tricks associated with tomatoes. Among them, for example, there is a theory that a metal sheet lying next to the bed speeds up the ripening of tomatoes.

Experienced gardeners have confirmed that the trick works. The waiting period is reduced by an average of 7 days.

But the method has a significant disadvantage, because of which many refuse to use it. Accelerated ripening harms tomatoes of ordinary varieties, the quality of the fruit decreases.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The plant has a vegetation period, which includes all the processes laid down by nature. By interfering with it, a person accelerates the aging of the plant, breaks the logic of development of both the bushes themselves and the fruits.

Summer residents believe that it is wiser to simply make a bed with early varieties of tomatoes. While some tomatoes are still green, the early ones already have red fruits, ready for consumption.

Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor