How and when to plant a pear tree in spring: the seedling will take root and start growing

16.01.2023 13:43
Updated: 13.04.2023 11:48

By default, the best time to plant fruit trees is spring. There are crops that take root well in the fall, this applies more to pome fruits. We will tell you how to plant a pear - not the easiest tree in the garden.

Here's what experienced gardeners and vegetable growers advise on this matter.

Spring is favorable for planting a pear in the garden, but it is very important to carefully prepare for this moment. After all, the tree is in no hurry to bear fruit anyway, and illiterate planting will only delay the process.

When to plant

The best time to plant a pear seedling is the period from the second half of March to the whole of April.

Selecting a location

Expect the pear tree to grow in this place for the next 50 years. Therefore, groundwater should be located no closer than 2 meters from the surface.

Photo: © Belnovosti

It should also be a flat area, a hill, but not a slope, the southern or southwestern side of the plot, and there should be reliable protection from the northern wind. As neighbors, you can consider willow or linden, honeysuckle, birch, or another type of pear. All of them will provide protection from drafts.


The hole for planting is made no less than 60 centimeters deep and 70 centimeters wide. On loams up to 70 centimeters and 1 meter, respectively.

The hole is prepared 2-3 weeks before planting. The upper fertile layer should be put aside, the lower layer is not required.

Part of the fertile layer is poured onto the bottom, humus or compost, 300 grams of superphosphate are added, everything is mixed and after that the seedling is placed, sprinkled with fertile soil.

The seedling is tied to a peg, the soil is compacted and watered.

There is no need to apply fertilizers in the coming year.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. When to plant
  2. Selecting a location
  3. Fertilizers