Don't miss important apple tree feeding: gardeners reveal the secret of a rich harvest

13.01.2023 16:44

Usually there are no problems with fruiting of apple trees. The culture is accustomed to cold weather and other whims of nature.

And even with minimal care, you can achieve good results. But often, only one apple tree fertilization separates novice gardeners from a rich harvest.

We will tell you when and what to feed an apple tree with.

To get a rich harvest, fertilizers need to be applied several times, starting in the spring. But summer residents pay special attention to feeding after flowering.

Firstly, if the flowering was abundant and the same number of ovaries appeared, the tree may simply not have enough nutrients. In this case, the fruits may be small, tasteless, or fall off before ripening.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Secondly, it is especially important to feed young trees in the second or third year after planting. The soil may already be depleted, and the root system is not sufficiently developed.

Thirdly, this feeding helps to resist diseases and other unfavorable factors. At the same time, full growth of annual shoots is observed.

What to fertilize with

Gardeners recommend combining root and foliar feeding.

At this time, you can add organic matter in dry form. This can be granulated chicken manure (400-500 g per adult tree in the soil).

You can add organic additives in liquid form - a solution of mullein, liquid manure or an infusion of wood ash, or herbal infusion work well.

Biohumus also shows excellent results.

Of the mineral additives used for leaf treatment, urea, potassium (magnesium) sulfate, or boric acid are used.

For root feeding, use seasonal universal fertilizer.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor