How to determine the groundwater level on a site: no, you don’t need to drill a well

12.01.2023 07:54

As you know, in order to find out at what level the groundwater lies, it is necessary to drill a well, and not just one, but 2-3 at once.

Belnovosti online publication expert, agronomist and landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh shared a method that makes it much easier to determine the depth of occurrence.

To do this, you just need to take a close look at the plants that have chosen your site to settle here.

So, if horsetails and marsh marigolds were found in the garden and vegetable patch, you can be sure that the water is close to the surface, at a distance of approximately 20-30 cm.

Meadowsweet will be an indicator for a level of up to 50 cm – 1 m, and cattail will indicate that the groundwater level is up to a meter.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Indicators for a distance of up to 1-1.5 m will be vetch, field mint and bluegrass.

In turn, foxglove, nettle, hemlock sedge, coltsfoot, and European globeflower indicate a level of approximately 1.5 m. Licorice grows in areas where groundwater is located at a distance of 1.5 to 5 m from the surface.

Based on the reed grass, reed, forget-me-not, creeping buttercup and bulrush, one can judge the depth of occurrence up to 2 m, while the indicator from 2 to 3 m will be horse sorrel, meadow heartweed and garden thistle.

Finally, the well-known couch grass and plantain choose for their habitat land where the groundwater level is 3-5 m.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Internet resource editor