Gardeners advise: 7 best ways to plant potatoes for a big harvest

05.01.2023 02:30
Updated: 13.04.2023 06:42

Potatoes are considered the second bread and are planted by almost everyone who has a garden plot, as well as on an industrial scale.

To obtain a good and rich harvest of the tuber, people resort to various methods of growing it.

Cover with straw

In autumn, prepare the area for planting potatoes in the spring. To do this, scatter humus over it and dig it up together with rotted straw or plant remains. In early spring, loosen this area with a rake or lightly cultivate it, and then spread seed potatoes over it in rows at a distance of 35-40 cm from each other.

Put a 20 cm layer of straw on top, which prevents weeds from growing, can retain moisture in the soil well, and does not require loosening or hilling. There is one significant drawback to this method - rodents start up under the straw.

Cover with film

Cover the area prepared for potatoes, the soil plowed together with humus and fertilizer, with black stabilized film with slits, crosswise placed in a checkerboard pattern, the size of which is 10 cm. Place a sprouted tuber in each hole.

Photo: © Belnovosti

When planting early potato varieties, the harvest can be obtained at the end of July. To do this, you need to mow the tops, roll up the film and collect the harvest. The main condition is to provide timely watering for the plantings.

They put them in bags

To save space in your garden, you can plant small potatoes in breathable bags. They can be easily moved to favorable locations in adverse weather conditions.

Add 20-25 cm of nutrient soil to the bottom of the bags, plant several potatoes with sprouts in it and cover them with the same layer of soil. Secure the bags together so that they do not fall. As soon as the potato tops grow, add nutrient soil to the bag and water it. Do this until the container is filled to the top with soil.

Traditionally under the shovel

On the prepared plowed area, stretch a rope along its entire length, which you will secure to the stakes. At a distance of 30-35 cm, dig a hole, put the tuber in it together with the fertilizer and sprinkle with soil from the next hole.

Form the next row 70 cm from the previous one. After planting, level the area with a rake. Take care of such an area in the traditional way: weeding, watering, loosening and hilling.

Into the high ridges

If the soil on the plot is clayey or swampy, potatoes should be planted in high ridges. They are made using wrapping disks or raked by hand. The distance between the ridges should be at least 70 cm.

At the top of the ridge, make a hole by hand, and put a tuber with fertilizer at the bottom. After the potato sprouts, hill it up several times during the season, systematically remove weeds and protect it from pests and diseases.

Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor

  1. Cover with straw
  2. Cover with film
  3. They put them in bags
  4. Traditionally under the shovel
  5. Into the high ridges