5 wastes that should not be thrown away in winter: they will come in handy at the dacha in spring

19.11.2024 09:02

The calendar winter is about to begin.

Snowy and frosty seasons are a period of rest for summer residents.

But you still can’t relax completely.

After all, it is necessary to perform certain actions, albeit indirectly, but related to the garden. For example, sowing seedlings and collecting certain waste.

Let's pay special attention to the second procedure. Thus, there are several types of "garbage" that should not be disposed of in the cold season.

Photo: © Belnovosti

On the contrary, you need to start collecting such waste: it will certainly come in handy at the beginning of the next summer cottage season.

What waste should a summer resident “accumulate” in winter

Are you the owner of a country house? Then in winter, do not throw the following waste into the trash can under any circumstances:

  • tea leaves;
  • coffee grounds;
  • onion peel;
  • banana peels;
  • eggshell.

All this “garbage” needs to be collected in thick bags or cardboard boxes and periodically taken to the dacha.

Any of the above mentioned products can be safely sent to the compost heap.

In addition, used tea leaves, coffee grounds and banana peels are used as separate fertilizers.

Tea leaves are also a good mulching material.

Onion peel infusion is a good fertilizer for seedlings and an excellent remedy against pests (primarily aphids).

Eggshells soaked in boiling water also quickly turn into good fertilizer for young plants. It is an ideal source of calcium.

For reference

Compost is an organic fertilizer obtained as a result of the decomposition of various organic materials under the influence of the activity of micro- (bacteria, fungi, etc.) and macroorganisms (insects, worms, etc.)

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

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