Machine adjusters and trimmers - up to 3,000 rubles. MTZ calls thousands of Belarusians for highly paid work

03.11.2024 20:54

The Minsk Tractor Plant invites over 2,000 Belarusians to highly paid jobs.

In some cases, enterprises promise wages of up to 3,000 rubles.

Interestingly, MTZ is ready to employ not only people with higher education, but also those with a secondary specialized or vocational diploma.

In particular, the plant requires blacksmiths, equipment adjusters, cutters, test drivers, machinists, etc.

TOP salary

The company has published all vacancies on the website of the state employment service (there are 2,313 of them over the past week).

Photo: © Belnovosti

The most profitable of them is a machine and manipulator adjuster with program control (44 people can be hired for this position).

They are offered a salary of 3,000 rubles, work in two shifts, and, as indicated, the work is of a permanent nature.

Requirements for candidates include having a general secondary or secondary specialized education, and wage grades 4-8.

A tree trimmer can also expect to receive 3,000 rubles when employed at MTZ – there are 14 vacancies.

Requirements: general education (school) and 3-5 wage grade with readiness to work three shifts.

Other high salaries

The electric furnace steelmaker is promised 2,900 rubles. There are 8 vacancies. The schedule is flexible.

Requirements: secondary specialized or general secondary education and 4-8 levels.

Only one vacancy is provided for a blacksmith on hammers and presses. Salary - 2,500 rubles. Work in 2 shifts.

Requirements: general secondary education and 2-6 wage grades.

But MTZ is ready to hire 103 people with general secondary education and 2-6 grades for the position of turner.

Work – two shifts. Salary – 2,500 rubles.

Who else is MTZ looking for?

The plant promises the same amount to a test driver and a milling machine operator, and 2,300 rubles to an automatic line and aggregate machine adjuster, a metal pourer, and a diesel locomotive driver.

The company is looking for a chisel and gear cutter (their salary is 2,200 rubles), an auto mechanic (2,100 rubles), an insulator for thermal insulation (2,100), and many other specialists.

The full list of vacancies from MTZ is published in the database of the state employment service.

Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor

  1. TOP salary
  2. Other high salaries
  3. Who else is MTZ looking for?

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