From Rags to Riches: How Children from Poor Families Become Millionaires

20.10.2024 10:20

Many people often ask the question: “Can children from poor families become rich?” There are many real examples proving that this is possible.

The main thing is the desire and aspiration of the person himself. In this article you will read one story about how an ordinary person achieved success.

She was an ordinary girl, growing up in a family of the "Soviet school". Her parents did not have higher education, worked all their lives at the same factory and could not get rid of the psychology of the poor.

The girl's mother believed that money should be spent only on meeting basic needs and always denied everything, not only to herself, but also to her daughter.

The mother's poverty psychology eventually led her to lose a large sum of money. This is how things were. Having overcome prejudices, working hard on herself, her fears and delusions, the heroine of the story achieved success and became one of the most sought-after specialists in her field.

Photo: Pixabay

The first thing she got rid of was the poor people's thinking. Having realized that money can and should be spent on pleasures, having erased the memories of her mother's stinginess and pettiness, she realized all the goals that seemed impossible to her at 17, when she made a plan in which she mentioned all her desires for the coming years.

The plan stated that she should buy a two-room apartment, the most basic car, etc. Was the plan achieved? Yes.

Instead of a two-room apartment, she got a three-room apartment, instead of an ordinary car, a more expensive model. Having taken a risk, having changed herself and her principles, the girl managed not only to fulfill, but also to exceed her plans.

Now that she had a decent income at the age of 20, she supported her mother by giving her a monthly sum that was much more than the pension she was entitled to.

But the mother did not use this money, she constantly put it aside and continued to live a dull life, eating cheap and low-quality food, wearing things until they were full of holes, never giving herself pleasant surprises, etc.

As a result, fearing that this money could be stolen, she constantly carried it with her until she waited for the occasion when all her savings were stolen on a tram.

What is the point of this whole story?

The heroine diligently fought against the stereotypes imposed in her family, changed her way of thinking, read over two hundred books about the psychology of the rich and the poor, and ultimately achieved a high social status and destroyed the useless and conservative thoughts that had taken hold in her head.

But such thoughts have become firmly entrenched in the majority of the population. Such consciousness does not allow people to attract more money, because, out of fear of losing it, they are afraid to do something new and remain at the broken trough, thinking that nothing can be changed.

Have you noticed any of these misconceptions in yourself? Yes, you told yourself that you would never be that person, but perhaps upon reflection you realized that you were thinking like a poor person. If you want to change something in your life, it’s time to throw all the unnecessary things out of your head and start taking action.

Earlier I talked about what you shouldn't say at work if you want to be successful.

Author: Vitaly Kisterny Editor-in-Chief