How to Manage Your Finances: Tips for Those Who Never Have Enough

23.08.2024 10:20
Updated: 28.09.2024 01:32

A person can earn millions, have the opportunity to buy whatever he wants, but still he can't shake the feeling that there is not enough money, there is never enough. Why?

The report is quite simple: as a person’s wealth increases, so do his demands.

For example, before it was enough for him to eat buckwheat with sausage, but now he eats a salad in the best restaurant in the city.

This means that a person's needs are higher, and more money is required for them. A person has many desires, dreams that he would like to realize, which he does as soon as the opportunity arises. That is why a person is never satisfied, he wants more and more.

If a person has a stable salary, he suffers because he does not have enough even for simple needs like food and drink. You can’t get rich with a small salary, so a person always experiences an acute shortage of money.

Photo: © Belnovosti

He realizes that he will not have an expensive and luxurious life, and this makes him feel offended, while a rich person feels offended that he still cannot afford everything in the world, since not everything can be bought for money.

What should a person do if he always has little money?

First of all, calm down and understand that a lack of money is not a death sentence, because you need to clearly and distinctly plan and write everything down, since without a list, money will never appear.

You need to moderate your demands and not follow their lead, because many are dictated not by a person’s personal desire, but by a desire imposed by someone else.

For example, a person wants to buy a yacht, although in fact he doesn’t need it, he just watched videos about the beautiful life and wants to live the same way, although he will quickly get bored with such a life.

But there should be enough money not only for something basic, but also for things like health, healthy and quality food, good clothes, traveling around the world, etc. If there is never enough money for this, it is a big problem.

You need to be able to plan your expenses, look for good deals, and be able to save wisely, for example, not buy yourself coffee every day if you can brew it at home.

In general, it is often not money that a person lacks, but impressions, a good and joyful life, organizing it in such a way that there is no desire to plug the holes and try to somehow drown out the pain.

Money is an important tool for achieving your goals, but it is not enough to live well, so you should not suffer for money, you need to be able to earn it and spend it wisely.

Previously, I talked about how to manage a remote team.

Author: Vitaly Kisterny Editor-in-Chief

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