How to Understand That an Employee Is Not Interested in Work: Tips for the Boss

02.08.2024 10:20
Updated: 28.09.2024 01:32

Disinterested employees are found in almost every office or government agency.

Often, only private individuals who understand that their income depends on their activities are interested in the process.

Therefore, if an employee is on a salary, then it is unrealistic to get his eyes to sparkle and sincere interest.

Unless, of course, he himself wants to understand all the intricacies of the work.

Conscientious subordinates are certainly more common: they are responsible and understand that it is unacceptable to spend working time playing games, texting, or playing solitaire.

Photo: Pixabay

How can you understand that an employee is not particularly willing to delve into the matter, improve, and, perhaps, even work?

He constantly runs away from his workplace.

There are a lot of reasons, and at first glance, all of them are valid: to go to the toilet, wash your hands, smoke, have lunch, drink water or tea, talk on the phone with your mother.

He spends his whole day walking back and forth like this, so in fact, a lot is put off until later.

Fortunately, there are professions in which it is impossible to cheat in this way: there are fixed hours.

This is relevant, for example, for call center operators: their program clearly shows the time worked, results, as well as the number of minutes and hours when the employee went on break.

It turns out that the lazy person doesn’t win anything in this case: he will have to work off his unauthorized walks through the corridors overtime.

He is irresponsible about new projects and learning.

Many offices have this policy: employees are briefed after each order or instruction received.

When another customer contacts the boss and sends him work, he first gets acquainted with the received data himself, and then tells his subordinates about everything.

Or the director of the enterprise receives an order from a higher-up regarding changes in the schedule, salary, and job responsibilities. He also studies the documents received and then introduces them to others.

Usually people try to learn more, ask questions, show interest. But when an employee does not really want to work, he sits at such meetings and gatherings with a completely absent look.

The result, as a rule, is not long in coming: he has difficulties and shortcomings because he has listened to everything.

He constantly gets into trouble and is generally known for his conflictual nature.

Everything is simple and transparent here: when a person wants to work, he will not set the team and management against himself.

On the contrary, he will try to make friends with everyone, establish friendly or at least neutral communication. And when he deliberately quarrels and gets personal, then this indicates one thing: he is bored here. And if he is threatened with dismissal, then he will not be very upset.

From the above it is clear that an experienced boss will certainly sense in his subordinate a slacker or simply a person who just wants to sit out some time. And he will certainly not keep him in a responsible position.

Earlier I talked about how to create a successful business.

Author: Vitaly Kisterny Editor-in-Chief

  1. He constantly runs away from his workplace.
  2. He is irresponsible about new projects and learning.
  3. He constantly gets into trouble and is generally known for his conflictual nature.

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