7 Business Tips From The Richest People In The World: How To Change Your Life

17.06.2024 19:15
Updated: 28.09.2024 01:32

If you dream of wealth and do nothing, you will be left with nothing. But if you dream and do wrong, then... You will also be left with nothing.

Of course, mistakes are inevitable. A winner is someone who has lost a lot. But it is better to learn the basics that will help you avoid most losses. So who should you learn them from? From those who are already worth something.

Bill Gates: “Surround yourself with people who lift you up”

If your friends are content with what life has given them and don't try to reach the next level, then you will suffer the same fate. You will quickly cool down and all motivation will disappear.

Meanwhile, if you are surrounded by people who are successful in business, then you will simply have to rise to their level. Look for new connections and be open to people and their ideas.

Bernard Arnault: “Remember, money is not a goal, but a consequence of success”

Don't think narrowly and don't chase easy profits. It can be the reason for your business to collapse. Create something timeless. Something that will always be needed, the uniqueness of which will be off the charts.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Calculate the future of your business not for a month or six months, but for several years ahead. Then your business will prosper and bring generous fruits of your painstaking work.

Amancio Ortega: “Don’t believe in absolute success”

It all starts small. Amancio once worked as a courier in a clothing store, and now he owns his own brand and is one of the richest people in the world.

Don't chase "successful success". Expand little by little, improving every day.

Charles Koch: “Value Mistakes”

Most discoveries were made through trial and error. This is the only way to succeed.

Even if mistakes ruin a business, they are still beneficial, giving food for thought and making you more experienced. Only he who does nothing can avoid mistakes.

Mark Zuckerberg: “Don’t be afraid to take risks”

Sometimes risk can lead you to your dream in a matter of hours, and sometimes it can destroy everything. And yet, it is worth it.

Either way, it will be a fun experience. In any case, look for new paths, and don't follow the beaten path.

Henry Ford: “When you try to decide for yourself whether you can do it or not, you are right anyway.”

A very true statement. Often everything depends on our belief and desire. Having decided that it is not yours and that you have obviously lost, you have indeed lost. Without having started. This was your mistake.

Donald Trump: “Think positive, but don’t forget about reality”

Pessimists are less happy people than their complete opposite. Never give up faith in the best outcome, but watch what is happening around you. Hope should never die, neither the first nor the last!

Every piece of advice is truly good, but your personal experience is priceless. Through trial and error, you will come to your dream if you maintain passion for your business.

Find yourself idols among people like those written above, follow their lives, learn from their and your own experience, and someday you will also become someone's idol.

Earlier we wrote about what to do with dollars .

Author: Vitaly Kisterny Editor-in-Chief

  1. Bill Gates: “Surround yourself with people who lift you up”
  2. Bernard Arnault: “Remember, money is not a goal, but a consequence of success”
  3. Amancio Ortega: “Don’t believe in absolute success”
  4. Charles Koch: “Value Mistakes”
  5. Mark Zuckerberg: “Don’t be afraid to take risks”
  6. Henry Ford: “When you try to decide for yourself whether you can do it or not, you are right anyway.”
  7. Donald Trump: “Think positive, but don’t forget about reality”