Don't Buy These Chicken Parts: What You Should Throw Away Right Away (Not All Is Healthy)

07.08.2024 20:31

Chicken is a healthy product, but not everything in chicken is healthy.

We tell you which parts of chicken you shouldn’t buy.

What Parts of Chicken Should You Not Eat?

First of all, the wings. There is almost no meat in them, just skin, and it contains a lot of cholesterol.

Secondly, the neck. It contains lymph nodes, which accumulate toxins and bacteria.

It is also not recommended to eat chicken lungs, tails and feet.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The most useful part of the chicken is the breast. The legs are also useful if you eat them without the skin.

When choosing between chilled and frozen chicken meat, give preference to the former.

It is better not to use marinated chicken meat, it may not be very fresh.

Timur Khomichev Author: Timur Khomichev Internet resource editor

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