How to set up a home workspace for remote work: several important rules

18.03.2024 13:19

When working from home, it is important to create a comfortable place for yourself, without any distractions. The work area should be clearly marked.

In this case, the work process itself will be easier on a psychological level. Therefore, you should not work lying on the couch or on the bed.

You need at least a small table that will accommodate the required amount of equipment and papers.

There should be plenty of light in the work area.

But here we must remember that too bright or cold light can have a negative impact on vision.

Photo: Pixabay

For those who spend most of their time at home, it is necessary to give special attention to the relaxation area in order to rest between tasks.

If it is not possible to turn a separate room into an office, you can zone the space using screens or curtains.

It is also acceptable to use shelves here, which will also be an excellent place for storage and will fit well into the interior.

Previously, we talked about the most common mistakes made when arranging a balcony.

Olga Kotova Author: Olga Kotova Internet resource editor

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