A common mistake when designing a combined bathroom: it’s very easy to fix

07.10.2023 01:30

In many apartments the bathroom is combined. This means that the toilet and the bathtub are in the same room.

Many people make a big mistake when decorating this room.

As Yulia Tychino, an expert in the field of design and interior design for the online publication BelNovosti, noted, in most cases there is no demarcation of zones in the bathroom.

In other words, the area for taking water procedures is almost no different from the place where the toilet is located.

What's wrong with that?

The same design of two areas of a combined bathroom leads to a person feeling uncomfortable in the room.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Particular difficulties arise when taking a bath or shower: there is no opportunity to fully relax.

How to fix the error?

You can give the room an ideal appearance by zoning the space.

A good option is to use partitions. But not all people will be able to use this method, because there may already be too little space in a combined bathroom.

Then you need to make the areas of the room look different. For example, the walls of the area with the bathroom can be tiled with one tile, and the walls with the toilet with another.

You can use paints of different colors. In general, it is important to make it immediately clear that the areas have different purposes.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. What's wrong with that?
  2. How to fix the error?