How to save money on apartment renovation: no need to save up to update the interior

19.09.2023 22:08

If you do the repair work yourself (not all of it, of course, but only those where it is not necessary to contact specialists), you will be able to update the interior with much less expense.

These and other recommendations, which in total will help save a lot of money, were shared by the expert of the online publication BelNovosti, designer Yulia Tychino .

The next piece of advice is: don’t try to update everything at once – as practice shows, when you start a renovation, thoughts about how to replace absolutely everything with new ones come to mind.

Try to tell yourself “stop” and carefully evaluate the situation - some interior items can serve you for several decades, for example, a repainted wardrobe or a sofa with a new cover.

You can replenish your budget by selling unnecessary things – household appliances, furniture, books, all sorts of collectible trinkets... the list goes on and on.


By the way, you can successfully hand over some things, for example, a bathtub or a stove, for non-ferrous metals, thereby not emptying, but, on the contrary, replenishing your piggy bank.

The next suggestion is directly related to the previous one: consider buying used items rather than new ones.

If you really don’t want to buy used items, try to persuade yourself to buy an analogue instead of the original – a budget alternative, the price of which does not include the cost of the brand, can be found for almost everything.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Internet resource editor