Sometimes we may notice that the overall perfect interior does not look as impressive as it should.
The reason for this phenomenon is simple: there are elements in the design that spoil the whole impression.
A bedspread is considered a simple way to add elements of luxury to an interior if you approach its selection correctly. However, it is enough to buy unsightly or old-fashioned textiles to spoil the impression, says designer Yulia Tychino , an expert of the online publication BelNovosti.
The same can be said about the blanket. It should be well-groomed and of high quality in order to create a cozy atmosphere.
You shouldn't use this unfortunate solution for wall decor. Such a calendar cheapens the apartment's decoration and does not reflect well on the overall impression.
Such a choice always reveals a greedy person with bad taste, so try to avoid using bedding from different sets.
Also, you shouldn’t choose too “flashy” shades: plain white underwear looks best.
Decor should make the interior noticeably better, and not just create the appearance that you have made an effort. Elements sold in almost every store are quite capable of ruining the interior, making it visually simpler and cheaper.
If you have places in your house that look unsightly, then the situation needs to be corrected. Sometimes junk on the balcony can spoil the impression of the apartment as a whole.
Therefore, try to keep things in order.