The new Minister of Culture promised Belarusians a breakthrough film that will “thunder”

06.12.2024 07:50

Recently appointed Minister of Culture Ruslan Chernetsky promised Belarusians a “breakthrough film”.

He assumes that the project, which is already in development, will be a success and become a real breakthrough.

Work is underway, there is already a project in development that will really make a splash. And it will be a breakthrough, - the agency "Belta" quotes the head of the department.

Chernetsky also reported that targeted work on the development of domestic cinema has been underway for a long time.

There is a strategy and a vision for "how this can and should develop," he said.

Photo: © Belnovosti

And this state of affairs, says the minister, has borne fruit, which “cannot but please” him, especially considering Belarus’s enormous potential “for making films.”

And to film ourselves, and to help our partners, and even, probably, to offer something new,” noted Chernetsky.

Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor