Why pour boiling water over liver for 2 minutes: this is what the dish will turn out like

16.01.2024 11:57

Many housewives are aware of the importance of pre-soaking the liver.

If the product sits in milk for some time, it will lose its bitterness and become tender.

However, experienced housewives pour the liver not with a white drink, but with water that has just come to a boil.

This method of soaking has several advantages over the “milk” method.

Firstly, it takes less time. Secondly, the dish turns out even better.

Photo: Pixabay

How to carry out the procedure correctly

First, the liver needs to be cut and the films removed.

Then the resulting pieces need to be placed in a deep container and filled with boiling water.

You only need to wait two minutes. After that, the liver can be placed in the frying pan.

What will the dish turn out like?

If the liver has undergone preliminary “hot” processing, then as a result of frying or stewing it will turn out soft and tender.

In addition, there will be no bitterness. And the dish will definitely not become a source of unpleasant odor.

It turns out fast and tasty, as many housewives and gourmets like.

Earlier we told you how to cook ministerial cutlets .

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. How to carry out the procedure correctly
  2. What will the dish turn out like?