In the old days, people used to call culinary delights marzipans. However, the idea of the dish itself was very vague.
Now it is not difficult to find out what it is, what to eat it with and whether it is possible to cook this very thing in the home kitchen.
In short and simple, it is a confectionery mixture of almonds and sugar, presented in a single mass.
Marzipan is added to desserts, used as a filling for pies and cakes, to create culinary figurines, and so on.
The classic recipe uses three components:
Alternative recipes now include citrus zest, cocoa and flavorings, even liqueur and colorings.
You will need:
How to cook
1. Clean the kernels, chop and grind into powder.
2. Heat water, add sugar. Make sugar syrup and add almond flour to it.
3. That's all. All that's left is to stir until the sweet mass has completely cooled down.
4. Once this happens, pass the mixture through a meat grinder to achieve the desired consistency.
Marzipan should be stored in an airtight container or cling film in the refrigerator.
Earlier we told you how to make the most delicious gravy .