How to Mix Spices and When to Add Them to a Dish: These Tips Will Make You a Real Chef

17.12.2023 09:02

Unique taste and unforgettable aroma – that’s what we use spices for in the cooking process.

Instead of sprinkling your dish with just ground black pepper, try using a combination of spices, and we'll tell you how to do it right.

Thus, the dish will acquire an exquisite taste if you combine spices from the same category.

For example, a harmonious combination can be achieved by using additives related to spices in one dish: cinnamon, cloves, turmeric, ginger and cardamom. Among sweet spices, you can name anise, basil and star anise, and among hot spices, pepper and garlic. Finally, you can safely put rosemary together with thyme - they both belong to fresh spices.

As for the time when you should season your dishes, it varies depending on what exactly you decide to use and, of course, what dish you are preparing.

Photo: © Belnovosti

If you choose dried herbs, they should be added at the very beginning so that they have time to fully bloom.

Fresh herbs, on the contrary, are used at the end – this way you can be sure that they will not spoil.

If you want to “flavor” the soup or broth, do it about 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

The same advice applies to dishes that require long cooking times, such as stews.

Earlier we talked about an unexpected ingredient that will make herring under a fur coat even tastier.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Internet resource editor