Since housewives spend a very long period of time in the kitchen, this is associated with various rules and signs.
Some of them affect the area of dishes.
There is no need to guess whether this will bring happiness or problems, since everything depends on the correctness of your further actions. An experienced housewife will immediately sweep away the fragments with a broom and take out the trash regardless of the time.
There is no need to leave the fragments until the morning. It is believed that this approach will help to ward off potential trouble.
Many people don't want to part with their favorite cups and plates, so they keep them for years. However, it's worth giving up sentimentality.
The thing is that dishes with cracks are a magnet for troubles and misfortunes. Therefore, you need to get rid of them.
If you want to identify an enemy in your environment, then it is worth inviting potential ill-wishers to tea or dinner.
If cracks form after eating or drinking a cup of tea, then the person has a clear antipathy towards you.
The signs in this case are categorical: friends, acquaintances and relatives are not allowed to wash dishes or clean in your kitchen.
Otherwise, you can expect trouble.