How to Save Fried Onions If They Start to Burn: A Simple Step

30.03.2023 08:58
Updated: 14.04.2023 23:42

Fried onions, with their slight sweetness, are a great addition to meat and potatoes.

However, if a finely chopped onion starts to turn black in a frying pan, the consequences will not be the most pleasant.

Burnt onions are unlikely to be a good addition to a side dish. On the contrary, onion "charcoals" will spoil the dish.

Then there is nothing left to do but throw away the improperly prepared vegetable.

However, if you take action in time, you can save the blackening onion. To do this, you need to put one simple remedy in the frying pan.

Photo: Pixabay

What to put in the frying pan

If a cook sees that the onion being cooked has started to turn black, and reducing the heat does not produce any results, then he or she must immediately go to the refrigerator and open the freezer.

If there is an ice cube tray, then the gourmet is very lucky: the dish can still be saved.

One of the ice cubes should be placed on the frying pan. This simple action will help to quickly reduce the surface temperature of the dish.

The onion will stop turning black. As a result, it will be possible to cook the dish until done without spoiling it.

As for the water that appears after the cube melts, this liquid will evaporate quite quickly. Therefore, frying the onion will not turn into stewing.

Lifehack nuances

You shouldn't put an ice cube on a frying pan that's too hot. The pan should be temporarily removed from the heat.

Also, don't put ice on a non-stick pan. The procedure will negatively affect the condition of such a surface.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. What to put in the frying pan
  2. Lifehack nuances