Many housewives soak pearl barley overnight before cooking, and in the morning they see a strange sight.
The soaked cereal has turned pink. Some people think that this is a sign of a poor-quality product, so they rush to throw away the pearl barley.
But experts pointed out that color change is a normal phenomenon for this cereal. Such a product can be eaten, it is safe for health.
Pearl barley contains a special enzyme. During the soaking or cooking process, it causes the color to change to pink or lilac.
Chefs do not recommend skipping the soaking stage of the grain. This is the only way to prepare the perfect dish.
And to prevent the pearl barley soup from getting a bluish tint, you need to boil the barley separately until almost done. Only then do you put the pearl barley in the pot.
Another little trick: you can boil pearl barley for 15-20 minutes in a saucepan and then put it in the oven. Since there will be water in the container, the cereal will not burn.