Why a child should attend kindergarten: experts on the importance of preschool education

09.12.2024 01:20

The importance of preschool education should not be underestimated by explaining it as the acquisition of skills for communicating with peers.

In addition to communication, development and acquisition of a number of basic skills, there is a chance that educators and psychologists will be able to recognize moments that require attention.

Experts have told us what abilities are developed in a child who attends kindergarten.

1. The child learns to communicate, speaks better and has a richer vocabulary.

2. Thanks to developed communication skills, the child’s fear of communicating with others disappears.

Photo: © Belnovosti

3. The child gains new knowledge about the environment, safety, and also about himself.

4. Children grow more independent, learn to maintain personal hygiene, put things away, etc.

5. At the same time, children in kindergarten learn to manage without their parents and cope with stress, and become more resilient.

6. Also, such an important quality as the ability to wait, to observe the rules and order established in society is developed.

7. Children learn to express their needs, formulate thoughts and desires.

8. They learn to express their creative abilities and begin to feel better about themselves and their place in the team, which allows them to grow more self-confident.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor