What to do if a child does not clean up his toys: 3 ways to teach a child to be tidy

15.12.2024 09:14

If you are tired of spending every evening cleaning up toys, use the tips in this article – they will help you teach your child to be tidy.

Cleaning with play

Instead of explaining to your child that he needs to keep his toys clean and tidy, create an atmosphere of play.

To do this, invite your little one to compete - who will put toys in a bag faster, arrange dolls and cars on the shelf and put books back in their place. So what if it turned out sloppy? The child still deserves praise and a small prize.

And one more thing: you, as an adult, should not be particularly eager for the child to win.

Do as I do

All children want to become adults as soon as possible, and that is why they imitate their parents.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Take advantage of this circumstance and ask your child to help you clean the nursery: let him wipe the dust from the windowsill, move the clothes to the closet, arrange the toys beautifully. After that, be sure to draw his attention to how clean and beautiful the room has become.

To help you remember to clean, make a “cleanliness calendar” with your child, using drawings or stickers to mark when your child helped you.

Living toys

It also happens that all efforts to teach order were in vain. In this case, try to tell the child that toys, like us, also get offended, and this happens if you forget to put them in their place.

In the evening, do not rush to clean up, but wait until the child falls asleep and hide all the scattered toys. In the morning, explain that the toys decided to leave because the child did not put them away.

Talk to your child about how to resolve this situation: perhaps it’s worth buying a new, beautiful toy box or freeing up another shelf. Remind him that the toys may not return, so you need to treat them with care.

Then distract the child with something else and return the toys to their places.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

  1. Cleaning with play
  2. Do as I do
  3. Living toys