Phrases You Shouldn't Say to Your Teen: Many Parents Say Them

04.02.2025 11:15

Adolescence is a period filled with changes, emotions and internal conflicts. During this time, teenagers literally “balance” on the edge between childhood and adulthood.

This is probably why every word parents say can have a significant impact on their self-esteem and emotional state.

If you do not want to harm your child, avoid using the following phrases when communicating with him.

You're acting like a little child.

Even if you think there is nothing wrong with this expression, it can really hurt a teenager.

When parents say, "You're acting like a child," they're emphasizing the immaturity of their interlocutor. They'll get the same answer - immature and irritable.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Instead, it's worth turning to the adult side of your child and asking him if something is okay with him - after all, this behavior is not like him, since he is usually very patient.

You're just like an adult.

At first glance, the phrase “You act like an adult” sounds like some kind of compliment, but not for a teenager.

At such moments, children may feel that their mom and dad are downplaying their real achievements, making them think that being an adult is the most important thing in life.

As a result, a teenager who is not really ready for adult life may decide that this is the main goal he must achieve, and will begin to behave too independently and autonomously, sometimes even to his own detriment.

Don't move your child into the future - let him enjoy his childhood.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

  1. You're acting like a little child.
  2. You're just like an adult.