Teaching reading using the Montessori method differs from the usual: here the child first learns to write and only then read letters.
Letters, in principle, are the same pictures, so first you need to learn to draw them, and only then move on to pronunciation and reading.
Children begin by tracing and shading the letters, thus memorizing their outline.
Once young students have become familiar with a few vowels and consonants, it is time to move on to the first simple words.
The essence of the method is that learning takes place in a playful manner.
The Montessori method places a lot of emphasis on tactile sensations, so children have the opportunity to literally touch the alphabet by touch – all they need to do is cut it out of rough or velvety paper.
You can also invite your child to get acquainted with the rough letter, and place a plate with semolina next to it. First, ask him to trace this symbol with his finger, and then repeat the same on the semolina.
The only inconvenience for parents is that they may have difficulty acquiring enough handouts. However, you can try making cards yourself from cardboard and sandpaper.