Everyone has taken this remedy at least once. Substances that are extremely difficult to overcome addiction have been named

31.01.2025 06:20

American scientists conducted an interesting study: they compared different types of psychoactive substances, from alcohol to medications and drugs.

We analyzed how many attempts a person who took them makes to finally give up these drugs.

The trials involved citizens over 18 years of age who had disorders caused by the use of psychoactive substances.

Those people who are struggling with addiction and were ready to share their experience with scientists on this issue.

Nicotine, painkillers, opioids

The final round involved 344 people who reported which of the 12 substances they had used 10 or more times, as well as the age at which they first tried them.

Photo: Pixabay

The list includes nicotine, alcohol, marijuana, opioids, stimulants, prescription painkillers, hallucinogens, anesthetics, tranquilizers, inhalants, and "other."

Participants were also asked to answer how they assess the strength of their addiction and how long they have been resisting it.

They were also asked about the number of times they had tried to quit, as well as their use status at the time of the study.

The results of individuals who reported sustained abstinence from at least one of the above substances were then examined.

Research results

The study found that relapses occurred most often in those who used opioids and painkillers.

Thus, it is these types of addiction that scientists have recognized as the most persistent and extremely difficult to overcome.

Alcohol and stimulants rank ahead of marijuana, cocaine, hallucinogens and nicotine in the number of failed quit attempts.

When it came to hallucinogens, the study participants found that it took fewer attempts to achieve permanent withdrawal compared to other substances on the list.

The same tranquilizers, for example, phenazepam or lorazepam, are much higher than hallucinogens, including LSD.

Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor

  1. Nicotine, painkillers, opioids
  2. Research results