Why Beer Is More Dangerous Than Vodka: A Narcologist's Answer

26.04.2023 07:54

It may seem that beer is a safer alcoholic drink. Most often, this is said because the degree in the drink is quite weak, and the taste of the alcohol is weak.

But you should be very careful with such a drink.

Doctors say that alcoholic drinks are even more harmful than vodka. But why?

Narcologist Tatyana Klimenko spoke about this, writes “ AiF ”.

The answer is quite simple. The fact is that constant consumption of such a drink leads to addiction faster. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that beer alcoholism is more difficult to treat.

Photo: Pixabay

The danger is also that a person does not feel addicted to beer, and the problem itself appears later, compared to those who choose strong drinks.

As the doctor noted during a conversation with the press, beer contains more toxic elements, for example, methanol, fusel oils, aldehydes, ethers. This can lead to liver damage.

Author: Olga Kotova Internet resource editor