How to make thin hair thicker: several effective and not so effective methods

06.04.2023 17:18

Even if you are not lucky enough to become the owner of luxurious thick hair, you should not be upset: there are many life hacks that will help you fix the situation.

Let's figure out which tricks work flawlessly and which ones are questionable.

You've probably come across the advice to dry your hair with your head tilted down.

It works only partially: there will be volume, but only at the roots. The strands along the entire length will hang lifelessly near the face.

The same can be said about the recommendation to place the parting not in the center, but slightly to the side - the side of the head that has less hair will still look sad.

Photo: Pixabay

Styling products won’t help either – girls with thin hair complain that such products make their hair look dirty.

But curling your hair really helps – your hair immediately looks more voluminous and solid.

Finally, you can always get a haircut, but be prepared for the fact that the strands will need to be styled daily according to the recommendations of the hairdresser. Just washing your hair will not, unfortunately, achieve the volume that was done to your hair in the salon.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources